Find Out How The 100% Natural 
Teeth & Gum Rejuvenator
Rescued My Smile & Kept Me Away From My Dentist !

Mary Koldwelle - Podcaster & pie-making grandma who loves her nightly wine, afternoon sweets, & morning now grinning bigger than ever before !
Updated: August 25, 2021 - Read time - under 2 minutes

I figured "Dentures were in My Future"…
My friends & family had always said I had a "show-stopping smile".  They had no idea that my teeth actually were actually wiggly & trying to come out !
Even though I had insurance, the dentist was costing my thousands.  And the worst part about it--my breath had turned sour & I couldn't cover it up with mouthwash, brushing, or constant gum & mints anymore.
How could this happen? My heart was sad because even though he didn't know it, I was embarrassed to have my husband kiss me & get close to me.  I didn't understand, because for over a DECADE, I had followed my dentist’s instructions exactly. But even with all my efforts, my gums & teeth still were red with inflammation, weak, & disgustingly bloody. It bothered me every single day.
And what was worse, was the sensitivity ! Even a cold drink or a crispy midnight-snack would give my mouth stabbing pain---so much I wanted to cry.

My solution?  I tried to wear an allergy mask....even before 2020.

I tried to use the excuse, that I was "concerned with the pollution in the air ”...  my allergies.
...but the reality was, I was ashamed and embarrassed of my teeth & smile.
I was also secretly hoping I could trap the awful stink before my friends and family caught a whiff.
What broke my heart, was when I over-heard my granddaughter whisper to my daughter…
“How come Grandma stays away Mommy, doesn’t she love us?”
I didn’t have to listen any further to know what she was asking about. I didn't smile around my family & I always kept them an arm's length (or more) away.
No wonder she thought I didn’t love her! It nearly broke me---I loved her with all my heart !

And I could not forget about my constant dentist bills!

My stomach sunk the last time I visited the dentist and later got the bill.
It was over $6,500 !!
My dentist told me:  FIRST, we had to do a root canal. 
                                   SECOND, I’d get fitted for a crown...(which would take several MONTHS !)
                                   FINALLY--I’d get the darn thing completed & done!
After all that, HE got this weird look on his face as his face and body tensed up.
I asked him what was wrong...and he gave me "the bad news”...
There was STILL no guarantee that this procedure would be a 100% success.  WHAT?
I'd been in his chair more times than I could remember. That was thousands of dollars down the drain & hours and hours of my life I could not get back.
I felt helpless, because what choice did I have? 
None whatsoever... so I thought.
Amazingly, I had a lucky chance encounter that changed everything.
I found out, my dental hygiene routine was NOT the issue... 

The main cause of my ailing teeth & gums was...

These little "termite-like" bacteria that were everywhere---infesting around my gums, declining my roots and even spreading up my nose, throat, and airways -- YUCK.
This SAME bacteria has also been connected to Alzheimer’s and dementia! 
This bacteria put me at risk for other inflammatory diseases like:
  • Diabetes
  • ​Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
  • ​Arthritis & other Joint Diseases
  • ​​Psoriasis
  • ​​Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • ​​Allergies
  • ​Rheumatoid Arthritis

The same "termite-like" disease that was stealing my smile & loving memories was also aiming for my entire LIFE!

Here's what I did:  I followed a SIMPLE, fast daily routine that I never would have
 thought possible...and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED:
  • The pain in my mouth started to disappear FAST
  • My gums didn't have that red puffiness & they stopped bleeding
  • The Bad Breath simply became a bad memory
  • ​​My teeth felt "rooted" into place again
Plus now I wasn’t afraid of food or drinks! (Apples? Corn-on-the-Cob? Hot Coffee? Cold Wine? Ribs?  YES--I could have all of it !)
I could eat what I wanted any time. And I immediately started giving my granddaughter tons of overdue snuggles & kisses she and I both missed.  My heart filled up again.

Now, I still had to finish my final implant from my dentist…
And now, every time I see that implant, I remind myself that NOTHING can grow back a lost tooth! 
Which means I need to keep on doing this amazing routine that WORKS & never change it!
Needless to say, I got my smile back. My gums were now healthy, and I knew I’d get to keep my smile for good.
My show-stopping smile was back...and my husband couldn’t stop smiling either!
Now I’m the person who lights up the room. All my friends & family know that I do love them and they say I inspire them to be happier too!  My heart is full & I show it every day.

Tap below to watch the video that healed my smile - right now it's free to watch!
*This presentation is ONLY being made available for a limited time and will be REMOVED if it comes under too much pressure from the billion dollar dentistry industry.
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